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How to Create WhatsApp Chatbot in 7 Steps [For Free in 2024]

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The rise in online searches for WhatsApp chatbot-related queries these days is no exception, as they have become an integral part of customer engagement marketing strategies conducted by businesses. This boom is not a temporary buzz in the business landscape. WhatsApp chatbots actually have the potential to enhance customer intreaction, boost growth, and streamline queries.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into everything about WhatsApp and its potential for fostering business growth. If you’re keenly interested in this topic and eager to uncover the hidden aspects of chatbots, we recommend you to read the entire article to familiarize yourself with how to obtain one.

So let’s get started…

What is WhatsApp ChatBot?

A WhatsApp chatbot is among the distinctive features native to WhatsApp. It’s an automated program designed to respond to customer queries on the platform independently. These bots can engage in simultaneous conversations with numerous individuals and operate around the clock. Their functionality extends to efficiently addressing customer inquiries and significantly enhancing a company’s sales by providing automated assistance and support.

What makes WhatsApp chatbots unique is their familiarity and accessibility within the WhatsApp application, enabling businesses to foster seamless communication with customers. However, it’s important to note that chatbot functionality is accessible with the WhatsApp Business API; the regular WhatsApp Business app does not support chatbots.

How do WhatsApp Bots Work?

A WhatsApp chatbot basically uses smart computer programs to understand and respond to messages. When you send a message, the chatbot figures out what you mean and gives a fitting reply. If it doesn’t get what you’re asking or feeling, it hands the conversation to a human. With each chat, it learns and gets better at giving the right answers.

Breaking It Down Further:

Trigger: This gets the chatbot going, like a keyword or phrase that makes it start talking.
Action: Based on the trigger, the chatbot does something specific, like sending a message or finding information.

Condition: This is the chatbot’s brain. It decides what to do based on what you say or other factors, following a “if this happens, then do that” kind of thinking.

For example, if you say “Track order,” the chatbot checks the order’s status. If it’s shipped, it gives you the tracking details. If not, it might tell you when it’s likely to be shipped.

WhatsApp Chatbot Example

Let’s consider a scenario in the aviation sector: Murphy is a frequent traveler who explores various countries for food blogging. His job involves delving into different cultures to bring unique experiences to his audience. Consequently, he usually follows a scripted travel plan. However, one day, due to health issues, he had to cancel his upcoming flight and reschedule for a later date. He sends a message to his respective airline’s WhatsApp business number: “I’m experiencing some health issues and am unable to travel today. I’d like to reschedule my flight for a later date.”

The chatbot, equipped with access to Murphy’s traveling history, quickly analyzes the situation and offers a solution: “Hi, Murphy, I’ve reviewed your request. Here are a few options for you. You can cancel your current flight and reschedule it for a more convenient date that suits you.

As we can observe, this instant response was generated by a chatbot without any human intervention to assist Murphy in overcoming his current situation. This serves as a prime example of the immense potential of today’s advanced chatbots and how they effectively streamline communication for businesses.

Why do Enterprises use WhatsApp Chatbot for business?

Businesses use WhatsApp chatbots for various reasons, as they offer several advantages in customer communication and engagement


WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging platforms globally, making it convenient for businesses to reach customers on a platform they already use regularly. Whatsapp ai chatbot enables businesses to streamline their communication with customers and help them have personalized experiences on the platform.

Instant Communication

Chatbots on WhatsApp provide immediate responses to customer queries, enhancing the overall customer experience by reducing wait times.


Automating responses through chatbots helps reduce costs by minimizing the need for human agents to handle routine queries, thus saving resources.

24/7 Availability

Whatsapp AI Chatbots can operate round the clock, providing assistance to customers at any time, irrespective of business hours.


As the volume of queries increases, chatbots can handle multiple conversations simultaneously, ensuring efficient communication even during peak times.


Advanced chatbots can be programmed to analyze data and personalize responses, offering tailored recommendations or solutions to customers based on their preferences and history.

Transaction and Order Processing

WhatsApp chatbots can facilitate transactions, bookings, or order placements directly within the chat interface, simplifying the customer journey.

Engagement and Marketing

Businesses utilize chatbots as a part of their WhatsApp marketing strategies, sending promotional messages, updates, and engaging content to subscribers, fostering brand loyalty.

Feedback and Surveys

Chatbots can conduct surveys or collect feedback from customers, providing valuable insights to improve products or services.


These chatbots are integrated with other business tools and systems, enabling seamless workflow and data sharing.

In summary, WhatsApp chatbot for businesses streamlines customer interactions, improves efficiency, and provides a convenient means for businesses to engage with their audience, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and driving business growth.

How to Create a Chatbot on WhatsApp?

Using chatbots on platforms like WhatsApp can feel overwhelming. But with a good plan and clear vision, businesses can use them effectively. This guide will help you make a WhatsApp chatbot that works well

Step 1: Decide why you need a chatbot

Before starting, ask why you want a chatbot. Do you want it to send reminders or help with customer questions? Knowing this helps set goals for your chatbot.

Step 2: Get access to WhatsApp’s tools

To make a chatbot for WhatsApp, you need to use WhatsApp’s tools. Some companies, like Fonada, can help with this. They can help you obtain a virtual number for WhatsApp and give you access to advanced whatsapp tools for developing your customized chatbots of business communication.

Step 3: Work with chatbot experts

Big companies can make their own chatbots, but smaller ones can team up with experts. This helps make sure your chatbot works well and is the same across different places.

Step 4: Create your chatbot’s personality

Every chatbot has a personality that represents your brand. It can be funny, professional, or understanding. Making this personality helps your chatbot connect with people.

Step 5: Make your WhatsApp chatbot

Most WhatsApp chatbots work with set rules, but adding AI can make them better. This helps them understand more and talk better. Using ready-made replies can also help.

Step 6: Test your chatbot

Before using it, test your chatbot thoroughly. See how it works in different situations. Ask others to try it too. Fix any problems before you show them to everyone.

Step 7: Launch and tell people about it

Once your chatbot is ready, share it! Connect it to your social media using the whatsApp link generator. Keep an eye on how people use it and what they say. This helps improve it over time.
Following these steps and thinking about what users need can help businesses make chatbots that customers will like.

WhatsApp Message Template

WhatsApp has become a crucial platform for business communication. Here’s a guide to creating effective message templates:

Welcome Message

Greet customers when they initiate contact. “Hi there! Welcome to [Your Business Name]. How can we assist you today?”

Order Confirmation

Acknowledge orders with a concise message. “Thank you for your order! Your [Product/Service] is confirmed. It will be delivered by [Date].”

Appointment Reminders

For service-based businesses, remind clients of appointments. “This is a reminder of your appointment with us on [Date] at [Time]. We look forward to seeing you!”

Feedback Requests

After a transaction, seek feedback. “We hope you’re enjoying your purchase! Could you spare a moment to share your experience with us?”

FAQ Responses

Preempt common queries. “Yes, we do offer international shipping. Our rates start at $X. Would you like more details?”

Promotional Updates

Inform about ongoing promotions. “Exciting news! Our Summer Sale starts tomorrow. Get up to 50% off on selected items!”

Support Queries

Address support requests promptly. “We’re sorry for the inconvenience. Our experts are working on resolving this issue. We’ll update you shortly.”

Remember, personalization and brevity are key. Customize these templates to suit your brand’s tone and customers’ needs. Also, always ensure compliance with WhatsApp’s policies and local laws regarding messaging and data privacy.

WhatsApp ChatBot: Real-life Use Cases

WhatsApp chatbots have a wide range of real-life use cases across various industries and purposes. Some common real-life applications of WhatsApp chatbots include:

Customer Support: WhatsApp chatbots play a crucial role in providing instant responses to customer queries, FAQs, troubleshooting, and assistance with product/service-related inquiries.

Example: A retail company uses a WhatsApp chatbot to handle customer queries. It assists with order tracking, returns, and FAQs. For instance, a customer can inquire about the status of their order by sending the order number to the chatbot, which retrieves and provides the latest status.

Appointment Booking: With the help of WhatsApp chatbots, businesses can enable users to schedule appointments, make reservations, or book services directly through WhatsApp.

Example: A healthcare provider implements a WhatsApp chatbot to allow patients to schedule appointments. Patients can interact with the bot to check available slots, book appointments, and receive reminders.

Ordering and Delivery: Businesses around the various sectors, such as Ecom, the food industry, etc, leverage WhatsApp chatbots to facilitate orders, track deliveries, and manage purchases through conversational interactions.

Example: A food delivery service employs a WhatsApp bot for users to place orders, customize meals, and track delivery status. Customers can select items from a menu, specify preferences, and receive real-time updates on their order progress.

Information Retrieval: Offering access to information such as account details, product catalogs, pricing, availability, and more is possible with WhatsApp chatbots

Example: A travel agency uses a WhatsApp bot to provide users with flight details, hotel options, and tour packages. Users can inquire about flight schedules or available hotel rooms by sending specific keywords or questions to the bot.

Feedback and Surveys: Conducting surveys, gathering feedback, and engaging users to improve services or products.

Example: A market research firm designs a WhatsApp bot to conduct surveys and gather feedback. Participants receive survey questions and submit their responses through the chatbot, making it convenient and accessible.

Educational Assistance: Providing educational content, answering student queries, and delivering learning materials.

Example: An educational institution uses a WhatsApp bot to provide students with study materials, assignment reminders, and quiz notifications. Students can ask for specific subject-related information or get clarification on course content.

Financial Services: Checking account balances, transferring funds, providing transaction alerts, and answering banking-related queries.

Example: A financial institution integrates a WhatsApp chatbot to enable users to check their account balances, transfer funds, and receive transaction alerts. Customers can initiate transactions through secure authentication via the chatbot.

Event Management: Sending event reminders, managing registrations, and providing event-related information.

Example: An event management company utilizes a WhatsApp bot to send attendees event details, updates, and reminders. It can provide schedules, location maps, and answer frequently asked questions about the event.

WhatsApp chatbots leverage automation and AI to handle routine inquiries, offer quick responses, and enhance user experience by providing round-the-clock support. These applications cater to various industries and can streamline processes, improve customer engagement, and reduce response times.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of Whatsapp Chatbot

How to create WhatsApp Chatbot?

To create a WhatsApp chatbot, plan its purpose, use a platform like Fonada, set up API integration, design responses, and deploy it for interaction.

How to integrate Chatbot with WhatsApp?

To integrate a chatbot with WhatsApp, utilize bot services offered by Fonada, specifically designed to support WhatsApp integration. Begin by acquiring access to the WhatsApp Business solutions with API. Proceed to configure your bot, set up message handling according to your preferences, and deploy it effectively to engage users seamlessly on the WhatsApp platform.

How to use WhatsApp Chatbot?

Acquire WhatsApp Business API access, employ a bot platform supporting WhatsApp integration, configure the bot, set up message handling, and deploy for engaging user interactions on WhatsApp.

What is the best WhatsApp Chatbot?

Determining the “best” WhatsApp chatbot depends on needs. Platforms like Fonada, ChatGPT, or Dialog Flow offer robust tools for building interactive and tailored WhatsApp bots.

What is the purpose of WhatsApp Chatbot?

WhatsApp chatbots serve various purposes, such as automating customer support, facilitating transactions, delivering information, conducting surveys, and enhancing engagement by providing quick and personalized interactions within the WhatsApp platform.

Is chatbot good or bad?

Chatbots have benefits like efficiency and accessibility but can lack empathy. Their quality depends on design and purpose, making them neither inherently good nor bad, but context-dependent.

Is Whatsapp chatbot free to use?

No, WhatsApp itself doesn’t offer a native chatbot platform, but it does provide APIs that developers can use to create chatbots. The cost of using a WhatsApp chatbot depends on various factors such as the platform or service you use to build the bot, any third-party tools or services integrated, and the volume of messages or interactions.

What is the cost of WhatsApp chatbot?

The cost of a WhatsApp chatbot varies based on complexity, features, and provider.

How do I get access to WhatsApp Business API?

To access WhatsApp Business API, apply through a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, meet their requirements, obtain approval, and adhere to WhatsApp’s guidelines.

How do I send broadcasts over a WhatsApp chatbot?

Utilize WhatsApp Business API or a compatible platform, create broadcast lists, adhere to WhatsApp policies, and programmatically send messages to multiple users simultaneously through approved templates.